Sunday, November 28, 2010

Back to Working Life

Back to work tomorrow after 1 year, 1 month and 2 weeks. 'Nough said...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Alex constantly attempts to go for the dogs food bowls. I am constantly saying his name out loud to get his attention and tell him "no". Lately, every time I call his name he's been looking up and looks at me. It's amazing to think he knows I'm calling to him.

Today he did great at his Auditory Verbal Therapy session. We actually think he is trying to imitate the sounds we make. It's actually really cute, his mouth open and closes in the right motions but nothing comes out. He can actually imitate a clicking noise. I hope to get it on video soon.

In the video, you see him bobble his head around...that's him dancing to the music. He's been doing this for about a week or two.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What's Been Going On?

I haven't posted anything in so long. I've actually been feeling guilty about this. The truth is, and as hard as it is to admit this, I actually have been a little let-down lately. Not about Alex of course, he is growing and he is obviously the happiest baby ever but, I think I'm just waiting for my little boy to one day, start babbling and I'm assuming this will happen soon just out of the blue. Part of the reason is I am going back to work in 1 week! I desperately want to be around when he starts babbling vowel/consonant combination but I have to come to realise I won't be. Realistically, he is only 1 month old (hearing wise).

Any parent of a child in our shoes can surely understand the dynamics of this situation. I feel I've worked, worked non-stop for an entire year to bring Alex to this point...all worth it of course however, I just wish I could reap the benefits of his hearing more then the 3 hours a day and on weekends my future holds. In a perfect world I guess.

The start of this week will be filled with brainstorming, planing, executing my return to teaching grade 5 and 6, all along, reminiscing about my past year off with Alex. The year was amazing, probably very comparable to any new mother except:  finding out your child is deaf, driving your child to dozens of testing appointments, doctors appointment, getting the run-around from a hand full of people/paper work that needed to be done, more driving (far distances) to more appointments, a surgery and three days in a hospital comforting your baby, follow-up appointments, mourning what you thought you lost, accepting what you now have, adopting a new way of parenting, a new way of life all together on top of every First Year baby experiences. This has no doubt moulded me into a much stronger person, a person who really sees The Big Picture compared to all the shallow petty things she did before. Thinking right now of everything that happened...just too much to even type, and it all makes me feel exhausted and triumphant all at the same time.
Alex, I love you, I want all the best for you and I promise you, despite the bumps in the road, your happiness comes first! xoxo

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Likes and Dislikes

I feel lately I have had nothing to post about until today. I have honestly been just spending time with Alex hoping he will start babbling or do something different with his hearing that will catch my attention. Today, it became clear Alex is developing his opinions on what sounds he likes and dislikes.
As per the video below, Alex really loves when I make the noise of filling up his tractor with pretend gasoline. Smiling to a sound is something that is brand new to him and is really showing me he hears well and can make his own judgments.
Also, he is starting to dislike certain noises. For example, I was using a staple gun to staple material over a frame I had made. Alex immediately tried to flee...too cute! When my mother took him in a different room then me, even though he couldn't see me, he could still hear the staples being pushed vigorously outward and he sat there looking around and began to become really needy with my mom searching comfort.
Other sounds he is not a fan of: the ATV being revved, the air compressor pumping air into the tank and that darn Sock Monkey Jack in the Box music he still hates haha.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Alex is Dancing

Alex received many great presents for his 1st birthday, most of which play music and sing songs. I began dancing around and bobbing my head every time he would press a button making the music go off a long time ago but more vigorously lately. My hope was that Alex would catch on and dance along with me and eventually start dancing by himself whenever he herd music. That day has come.

Today, Alex was playing with a new toy from his Auntie Caroline that sings songs with vocabulary words and while he was pressing the buttons by himself, without me in sight, he began bobbing his head back and forth to the music.

Another amazing proof he is hearing because first, I was not in his sight therefore, not mimicking anything. Second, he repeated the dancing multiple times.
What a great day!