What am I thankful for? I think it is fairly obvious but I'll write it anyway. I am thankful for Alex, his cochlear implants and for all the people in his life that made hearing possible for anyone who seeks it. Laying in bed yesterday, after picking up the CI equipment, uncontrollable tears streamed down my face. This whole process is really almost over. Of course after the activation we will have AVT (Auditory Verbal Therapy) which we will take on full force but what I mean is all the 5am morning on the road, the unknown (will he be a candidate, will his MRI and CT scans come out fine) and tons of anxiety will soon subside. What I've concluded about all this is: it will be worth it, it was totally worth it!
On top of that great feeling, today Alex began walking from object to object taking more steps then ever before. He took his first steps in a row wearing his CI processors. What a great moment.
LOVE your blog and getting the updates and seeing this story unfold, thanks for sharing and keeping us all in the loop. We're so happy Alex (and you guys) are doing so well!! He's sooooooooo sweeeeet:), I just wanna cuddle him through the screen!!
Heather, Brian, Ella and Olive.
What a wonderful milestone! I love your blog and I hope you'll consider adding it to the blog aggregator at Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com). Happy Hearing!